How to Get the Emotional Momentum to Succeed

Lift off

Today, I want to build on a blog post by my friend Rob Jolles on Emotional Momentum. Rob wrote an excellent BLArticle® about wanting to achieve our goals but not being able to get started. Rob was so right. Breaking down goals into smaller achievable tasks makes the task less daunting. Success in these small tasks allows you to build momentum toward your larger goal.

Your Big WHY

Rob’s great article caused me to reflect on a mastermind workshop I attended with multi-millionaire John Assaraf. John advised us to think of a project like a rocket ship. It is the first few minutes of the flight that takes the greatest power. To give you some fuel for your journey to success, you first need to clearly define your ultimate goal and the big WHY you want to achieve that goal. The work can be challenging and sometimes frustrating, so you need a compelling reason to work toward your goal. You can Google John or author and speaker, Darren Hardy for some excellent stories about people who succeeded against great odds because they had a big WHY.

Take some time and write down all the reasons why you want to achieve your goal. Then you can create a vision board with pictures and words that represent your big WHY. Put your vision board somewhere you will see it every day. You can create a digital vision board and make it your background on your PC if that helps you. Envisioning your success will help you stay motivate and enthusiastic.


Next, fuzzy goals are not achievable. So, analyze your goals and ensure they are SMART goals. SMART an acronym that represents the attributes of successful goals. Each goal, big or small should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time referenced. Let me provide some examples.

  • Specific – Post a word blog post on what today’s buyers want by Friday, June 1, 2018.
  • Measurable – The blog post will contain a minimum of 500 and a maximum of 700 words
  • Achievable – The five work days allows you to research, outline, review for grammar and references, create a PDF and post online
  • Relevant – the topic is relevant to my area of work and contributes to my larger goal of writing a book on applying Lean to sales
  • Time referenced – The date of Friday, June 1 makes the goal time referenced.
Make it a Habit

Your best intentions fail because you have not made a habit of an action that leads to your goal. Make work on your goal a daily habit just like all high achievers do. Make it a habit just like brushing your teeth.  Great athletes set aside time to work on their skills, actors spend time working on lines, movements, and delivery. Put the time for working on the goal on your calendar and stick to it. Don’t get distracted by TV, social media or cruising the internet. It takes about 21 to 30 days to develop a new habit.  It takes self-discipline, but you will get into a rhythm, and you will be pleased with your results.


You can find Rob Jolles, author, and speaker at Read his latest BLArticle® about Emotional Momentum.

Hardy Darren, (2010). The Compound Effect: Multiplying Your Success One Simple Step At A Time. Dallas, Texas: Success Books.

About the Author: Phyllis Mikolaitis is a sales coach, author, and speaker with over 30 years’ global experience. She is dedicated to taking you beyond the typical “how to” courses to the heart of persuasion techniques incorporating insights and stories to win the sale. Phyllis has also had training in Leadership Through Quality, Six Sigma and Lean. She is certified in Process Improvement in Print.

Visit Phyllis and her business partner John Switzer on other pages on this site The links on our website allow you to listen to our podcasts or catch up on past blog posts on this and other sales topics.

For Lunch and Learn sessions, face-to-face or virtual training and coaching contact us at 703-819-5872.

Platinum Author-EZine

Ezine Diamond Author

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