How to Engage Your Clients With Dazzling Dialogue

Female presenting and audience applauding

According to the marketing firm Yankelovich, we are exposed to over 5,000 messages per day and we have the attention span of a goldfish. So, to capture the attention of your prospect, you have to dazzle them with your dialogue. You have to stretch beyond your comfort zone. Tell stories that have them on the edge of their seat. You must include words that pique their interest and bring your story or concept to life.

Power Words

Use power words such as astonishing, enormous, monumental, imagination, attractive and breakthrough. Some power words bring out positive emotional reactions.  Other power words are intellectual and cause the listener to carefully evaluate and compare offerings. Another group of words creates an emotional connection to the listener’s values. These words are considered spiritual words. You can use a different group of words such as amazing, different, changed, exciting, weird, thrilling, helpful and secret to spark curiosity. Words like these get you to tune into news programs or the latest tv show.

Active and Passive Voice

Since you want your listener to buy your product, service or experience, it is critical you use the active voice. It indicates the subject takes responsibility and does something.  Use the passive voice very sparingly as your client will not be engaged by passive words and expressions. When you use the passive voice, it indicates that something was done to the listener. So, he or she is off the hook for taking action.

Weak Words and Verbal Graffiti

Watch out! Those weak and fluffy words sneak into your vocabulary. What are some examples you ask? Weak or fluffy words such as about, almost, maybe, just, really, very and stuff. Filler words are ubiquitous.  Words such as “you know”, “uh”, “like”, and “ah” add nothing. These verbal hiccups can make you sound as if you are unprepared or even lack intelligence. So, replace them with silence. A pause in flow can allow the audience to reflect on what you have said.

Create Mental Images

You may be familiar with Maslow’s theory of self-actualization. It refers to the need for personal growth and discovery throughout your lifetime. Maslow believed that humans are always in a state of becoming. To the right is a graphic that represents his 5 levels of development.

In this movement toward a transformation economy, you want to use words that spark the listener to take action that moves him to the next level of development.

Here are some words linked to his 5 levels:

  • Level 1: you, shelter, water, food, air, and sleep.
  • Level 2: money, proven, unconditionally guaranteed, secure, and safe.
  • Level 3: easy, like, friendly, compatible, compassion, community, acceptance, and intimacy.
  • Level 4: new, improved, enhanced, respected, self-confident, and knowledgeable.
  • Level 5: results, gain, fulfillment, and personal best.

Keep It Simple

You want to keep it simple, but you do not want to talk down or appear condescending to your listener.  Although The Third international Edition of Webster’s dictionary has more than 470,000 words, do not use words that most people don’t know or understand. It may sound intellectual, but it will cause people to stop listening and look up the word. Speak with words commonly used in conversation for your industry. But, do not use jargon or acronyms. They are also distractors.

Resources for You

I posted a speech evaluation form below this blog post. Download it and have a friend, manager or a mentor evaluate your next presentation. You may also want to sign up for our next mini course on Presentation Skills and Storytelling.

Learn to tell good business stories using these descriptive words and you will engage your customers and move them toward purchasing your product, service or experience. Steve Jobs became an expert because he was relentless in his preparation and practice.

About the Authors

About the Authors: Phyllis Mikolaitis and her business partner John Switzer are sales coaches and training developers, each with over 30 years global experience. They are dedicated to helping you learn the latest persuasion techniques incorporating insights and stories to win the sale. 

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