How to Achieve Astonishing Sales Results with Storytelling

Surprised sales team

Why has storytelling become so crucial to marketing and sales results that large and small businesses are hiring creative storytelling writers and Hollywood producers to tell their story? It is because the world has changed and how we make purchases has changed with it. Traditional marketing, including TV, radio, direct mail, and even billboards, have changed their messaging. The savvy customer of today sees right through manipulative sales tactics and distrust traditional advertising. Therefore, you need to change both your marketing and selling processes to match the new buyer approach to engaging with vendors.

Where It Begins

Where does the prospects the search for a product or service or even for brand awareness begin? Storytelling expert Robert McKee and content marketing expert Thomas Grace collaborated on a book Storynomics. In their book, they provide the result of multiple studies on the topic. They found that people today don’t check the media advertisements, call information, or hope that a salesperson calls. They immediately go to the Internet for information. In fact, people search on the Internet approximately 6 billion times per day. Google, Bing, and other search engines using a keyword search are the most common method to pursue an answer. Grace and McKee found that people click on Internet advertisements, only 15% of the time.

How to Get the Attention of Your Customer or Prospect

You want to create and promote a story that explains why you do what you do and how you can be a guide to help the prospect become a hero in their story. The key here is they are the hero, not you or your company. Today’s customer wants to buy, not be sold. So, they are looking for a guide to help them find the right solution to their problem. It is critical to understand that their problem is not only external but also internal. The external problem causes internal issues that cause frustration and stress. It is the frustration and associated stress that motivates them to do something about the external problem. Best selling author Donald Miller and author, publisher, speaker Darren Hardy both say that the greatest motivator for wanting to solve the problem is the philosophical question of why does solving the problem matter. People want to be involved in something greater than themselves. People want to be the hero in a story that adds value and a sense of meaning to their life.

Essentials of Your Brand Story

Demonstrate competence and empathy in the story you tell. Ensure you tell them that you understand their pain. You may include the fears of others in the industry or the fears you have faced. Clearly communicate that you have a plan that will help them be successful. Let them know that it is not a generic plan but one that is customized to their situation. Communicate what the person can expect from you as it will help them overcome the fear of doing business with you. In my white paper on storytelling, I equate the fear to that of crossing a rope bridge over a chasm such as those on the TV show he Amazing Race. Share your unique skills and values that communicate competence. To achieve astonishing sales results you must connect the dots for the customer. You must connect your plan for a solution to their problem. Be bold and confident as you conclude with a call to action.

Well, that wraps up my tips for today on achieveing astonishing sales results. My business partner John and I wish you fantastic success in 2020. 

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